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Speeches for life- an extraordinary gift from Laaser marble

Speechesfor life-whether traditional lifestyles, short sentences or the personal motto of life!

For every life situation and every period of life, there are appropriate short sentences.
Speeches for life encourage us to think.

  • Are we going the right way?
  • Am I on a detour?
  • Where am I going?

Nowadays, in our fast-moving world, it sometimes takes a short sentence to stimulate reflection. Beautiful short words that put a smile on your face, no matter how many times you've heard Him.

Whether as a gift for birth or as a gift for the First Communion or Firming. As a parting gift from a dear colleague or an original gift for moving into a new home.

Whether it's a birthday present from your best friend or an extraordinary wedding gift.
Our Speeches for life printed on noble Laaser marble are adapted to every stage of life.

Why Laaser marble?

These three keywords explain the symbiosis between deep-seated words from the heart and the lair marble: both components are timeless, pure and clear.

Packed with a lot of love, your gift goes well with everyone.
In our Business Venustis in MarMordorf Laas, Vinschgaustrasse 10, you will find a large selection of Gift from Laaser marble, which our employees will be happy to give you as a gift.

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